


Quality/Environment Certificate

PRINTEC H.T. Electronics Corporation provides the most valuable products on the world market with continuously improving technological capabilities. Based on the requirements for product quality, we have established a quality management system in compliance with ISO 9001, ISO 13485, IATF 16949 regulations. Through continuous technical efforts and quality pursuit, we hope to create an "excellent enterprise" and become a leader in the international industry. Furthermore, in response to domestic and international environmental trends and customer need as well as to fulfill its responsibility as a global citizen, the Company introduced the ISO14001 environmental management system in September 2004 with purposes to enhance the environmental awareness of all employees, improve the working environment, reduce environmental impact caused by operational behavior, and comply with relevant EU regulations in order to become an international company with the feature of green product marketing.

ISO 9001證書_page-0001
ISO 13485-20240126(1350X1909-96dpi)

IATF 16949 證書_page-0001
ISO 14001-1350X1909(96dpi)



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